1. Learn as much as you can about reading disabilities so you know how to judge fairly what students with these problems can do in a classroom.
  2. Put hyperactive children at the front of the class- near you if necessary.  This also applies to dyslexics, who drowse.
  3. Be sure children with reading and other learning disabilities are "tuned in" when you begin giving directions.  Say "These are the directions—Listen."  Call the names of those not attending or touch them on the shoulder.
  4. Give directions clearly and simply as possible.
  5. If a child has trouble copying from the board, cut down the amount he has to copy.
  6. If a child has trouble keeping his place, require him to point at the reading or math problem as he does it.
  7. You can use a masonite board for him to write on to increase spelling ability and the learning of number facts.
  8. Don’t expect him to learn by induction: (Given this fact and this fact, what is the result?)  He must have deductive reasoning presented: (Given this fact and this fact, the result is this fact.)  He probably will require drill to remember the answers.  This drill work is an assignment which is appropriate at any time.
  9. Cut down on the amount of work you give a child who is dysgraphic.  If others can write ten sentences in the time it takes him to write five even though he is really working and trying, accept five from him.
  10. Ask his parents to help you with the amount of rote drill it may take for him to learn, but give them specific directions on what and how to help.